Monday, May 25, 2020

The Psychological Effects of Diabetes on Patients - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2299 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Diabetes Essay Did you like this example? The Psychological Effects of Diabetes on Patients Currently, a disease is ravaging America as it turns into an epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC; 2017), in 2015, there were approximately 23.25 Americans that were diagnosed with diabetes. This number has been climbing steadily for over a century. An epidemic as fast growing as diabetes is studied rather closely. This disease can affect anyone at any age, though the types of diabetes varies from person to person. While it depends on how the individual is effected by the disease, they are always affected. The way they are raised by their parents, the way they live their daily lives, their self-control, and even their personality all determines how affected the patient is. Psychological effects happens to patients of all type of diabetes and, in the case of type one diabetes, extends to the parents of young diabetics. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Psychological Effects of Diabetes on Patients" essay for you Create order As a brief summary, four types of diabetes exists: type one, type two, gestational diabetes, and prediabetes. Type one diabetes is considered to be a genetic disorder and happens at a younger age in most cases. With type one diabetes, no insulin is produced whatsoever and in order to stay alive, a type one diabetic must inject themselves with insulin when they ingest carbohydrates (CDC, 2018). With type two diabetes, the body does not make and use insulin very well. A type two diabetic injects insulin to compensate for the lack of body produced insulin. Type two diabetes is not genetic. Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant woman who have never had diabetes (CDC, 2018). Gestational diabetes generally goes away after the baby is born. However, babies can be born with an increased risk of health complications (CDC, 2018). Lastly, prediabetes is simply when a person has higher blood sugars, but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes (CDC, 2018). While these different types of diabetes have different circumstances, they all affect an individual psychologically. Psychological development occurs most significantly during childhood and the adolescent period, especially during adolescence. Diabetes becomes a lifestyle in the way that one has to live their life with diabetes, especially type one, which requires a daily strict regimen. Without this regimen, the person would have severe health problems which could cause death. If the child is diagnosed with diabetes early on in their childhood and is incapable of injecting themselves and care for themselves, then the parents must do it. This may become a problem for some parents, as they feel they are hurting their young children and the child is most likely incapable of understanding why the parent is hurting them. According to an article written by Whittemore, Jaser, Chao, Jang, Grey (2012), there are four common themes that parents experience while raising their child with type one diabetes. Explained below is the psychological effects of parents and their experiences. Difficult diagnosis is the first barrier for parents raising a young child with diabetes. Emotional distress is the best word to describe the parents feeling, they have a mixture of guilt, stress, concern, and denial. The diagnosis comes as a shock and they are not ready for it. Many parents report that they feel guilty because they feel it is their fault that their child received diabetes from their genes (specific to type one) (Whittemore, et al., 2012). Family disruption is the next barrier to parents, things change on how a parent raises the child. The childs blood sugar must constantly be monitored, in doing so, the child will be unable to be as independent as their peers, and may possibly become socially isolated (Whittemore, et al., 2012). Along with that, parents must cater to the nutritional needs of the child. For example, if a child has low blood sugar, they must eat in order to raise their sugar levels. Meals must be custom made for the child. The child may not always be able to eat high carbs. Insulin compensates, but does not completely replace the loss of insulin production. The next barrier is adjustment. At this point, some time has passed and the parents have come to an understanding of their situation. They have realized what it is exactly that they have to deal with and the shock of the diagnosis is almost gone. The parents have learned how to manage the childs blood sugar and the care has been incorporated into the daily routine of the family. Now that the parents have gained control of the situation, they begin to try to make the situation for the child better, to make the child feel like they are normal. Though they are still protective of the child, the parents become more willing to let the child experience more things. As an analogy, the child had been kept on a tight leash, for the fear of high and low blood sugars. Now that they have gained more control of the blood sugar levels, they are allowed a longer leash, while still weary, the parent feels more comfortable that the child can take care of themselves to an extent. This process of feeling more at ease with their diabetic child is slow to start but once it begins and with a connection of support through health professionals and support from friends, parents are able to regain some semblance of balance. According to research, parents also utilize coping strategies that include the use of humor, maintaining a positive attitude, and being hopeful. They also maintained a sense of patience and persistence to help cope as well. (Whittemore, et al., 2012). The final barrier, and perhaps the barrier that has the longest time line, is called ongoing stress. Maintaining metabolic control is the first experience described in the article. The largest challenge here is keeping blood sugars at safe levels and maintaining them there without constant fluctuations of high and lows. The parents constantly worry about the blood sugar level of the child, even after they become an adolescent or even an adult. Furthermore, the parents found the daily regimen of caring for their diabetic child to be time consuming. They have a constant worry of whether or not they completed every single task out of the many they must complete daily. This responsibility can stress them out at any part of the day, and even if the parent were to complete every part of the daily regiment, the blood sugar of the child may still have gone high or low. In this case, the parents blame themselves for the fluctuations. What did I do wrong? How could I have prevented this? These were common thoughts from the parents, and cause yet another stress factor on the parents shoulders. Finally, the worry of the childs transitions in life were a stress factor. They worry how the child will cope in school without them and if their peers will accept them or discriminate against them for their disease (Whittemore, et al., 2012). Parents have many worries about their child with diabetes, but the child has even more concerns. Type one diabetes affects all aspects of life when the patient is diagnosed young, but it really comes to affect the patient in their transition to adulthood. This happens because this is when the patient becomes independent and must learn to manage their disease with little to no help from their parents. Development into young adulthood then consists of experiences in education, work, family, and intimate relationships with their partners (Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe, 2015). These experiences make up their existence as an adult and help to identify the patients self-identity. Naturally, a disease like diabetes that affects all aspects of your life, will affect development of self-identity among other things. According to the article written by Monaghan et al., (2015), a study found that type one diabetics scored lower on a resilience test, a test that examines self-esteem levels and optimism levels, against a control group that did not have type one diabetes. In a different study, the same groups were tested, but instead were tested on self-worth, and again it was found that type one diabetics scored lower than the non-diabetics. Yet another study from the same article tested type one diabetics and non-diabetics that were aged 18-25. This time the test was taken on responsibility, independence, and social maturity, and it was found there was no difference between the diabetics and non-diabetics. Being a less resilient naturally affects a persons emotional conditions and makes these people much more succeptiable to being diagnosed with a mood disorder. Depression is no exception. Cited in the article written by Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe (2015) was that a study that interviewed female high school seniors and assessed the subjects for major depressive disorder (note that these subjects were not selected for depression or diabetes). The study found that nearly 50% met the criteria for major depressive disorder across the five year period that the study was performed. The article also identifies that this data is consistent with other studies. Given this, it is determined that 50% of all high school students may be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, translate this with the low resilience of young type one diabetics and the chances for them being diagnosed with a depressive disorder increase. Not only depression, but they are also more susceptible to anxiety as their emotional distress is rather high. The daily regiment places a heavy burden on a type one diabetic as it is, and the daily life of a high schooler also places psychological burdens on a diabetic student. These two factors combined lead to a increased chance of anxiety and depression disorders being diagnosed (Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe). Stress is a common emotional distress that every person deals with on a day to day basis. According to a study that was summarized in Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebes article (2015), stressors that are specific to type one diabetics in young adulthood were identified. One such stressor included an emotion of self consciousness of their diseases and the management if it were largely present. This means that the young adults worried about the thoughts of how others viewed them and also worried about how people viewed their management of their disease (what they thought of them when they had to check their blood sugar levels or the thoughts of people when they had to bodice insulin due to their blood sugar levels). Another stress is the simple day to day management issues, specifically, the stress of maintain their disease and blood sugar levels, along with the constant fear of something going wrong that prevents them to manage their disease. This also include their worry of their ability to participate in normal life. Naturally, the struggles that these young adults must endure with the healthcare system is also a common stressor. The battles these young adults must fight with the unwilling to pay insurance companies and disruption of daily life for doctor appointments are common problems that these people must worry about. Overall, the stressors cause a heavy burden that results in fatigue as the type one diabetics fight the temptation to become loose in their daily regimen and take a break from the constant stress. Coping strategies are a must in order to deal with the stress, and while some might cope in a healthy ways, others might find themselves in bad situations as they engage in risky actions to cope (Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe, 2015). Young adulthood is a time in the lives of many that curiosity and exploration are at the high point of many people. Curiosity and exploration are not restricted or nurtured with diabeates, as diabetics have the same need for exploration as the general population (Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe, 2015). Along with that, drug abuse has a generality to increase in early young adulthood and start to decrease during mid to late 20s (Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe, 2015). This trend is also concurrent with diabetics, the big difference between the general population abusing drugs and diabetics abusing drugs are the effects on their health. While drug abuse deals out the same effects on diabetics as it does to the general populations, however, diabetics receive additional impact when partaking in drug abuse. As alcohol has carbohydrates in it, drinking it affects their blood sugar levels. Many type one diabetics that participate in underage drinking do not know how (or cannot due to impairment of motor skills which is a side effect of ingesting alcohol) to bolus insulin for the alcohol which increases the chance for uncontrolled blood sugar. On top of that, alcohol ingestion increases the risk for acute hypoglycemia. The article also reports that tobacco consumption has a direct correlation to poor glycemic control and increase risk for long term complications (Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe, 2015). Substance abuse is not the only problematic coping method. Unhealthy eating habits is another way to cope and rather common. However, since diet is such an important aspect in the daily regimen of a diabetics life, unhealthy eating habits cause big problems for diabetics. Specifically while a young adult, body image and physical appearance becomes an important aspect. With these two factors combined, type one diabetics are at a higher risk for having unhealthy eating habits than the general population. It was found that the percentage of overweight type one diabetics increased from 21% to 54% for women and 2% to 28% for men (Monaghan, Helgeson, Wiebe). References: Centers for Disease Control (CDC). (2018). About diabetes Retrieved on October 7, 2018, from Centers for Disease Control (CDC). (2017). Long term trends in diabetes. Retrieved on October 7, 2018 from Monaghan, M., Helgeson, V., Wiebe, D. (2015). Type 1 diabetes in young adulthood. Current Diabetes Reviews, 11(4), 239-250. Whittemore, R., Jaser, S., Chao, A., Jang, M., Grey, M. (2012). Psychological experience of parents of children with type 1 diabetes. The Diabetes Educator, 38(4), 562-579. doi:10.1177/0145721712445216

Friday, May 15, 2020

Jane Austen s Pride And Prejudice By Rudyard Kipling s...

Order is craved in our society. Take the recent terrorist attacks in London. What was the world’s response? World leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, instructed the public to remain â€Å"†¦united beyond all borders in horror and sorrow, but also in determination† (RT News, 2017). This sense of fortitude, avoidance of rash decisions and the importance of order is not new to western society. Despite originating in the 18th and 19th centuries, the central themes of Neo-Classicism are still deeply ingrained in our contemporary society. These themes inform the public of the importance of discipline and emotional restraint, the value of civility and the significance of social responsibility, all essential to maintain harmony in our†¦show more content†¦Like Wickham, the audience is positioned to marginalise Nero, viewing him as cold, calculating and cruel. This is highlighted through cool toned, chiaroscuro lighting and costuming Nero to look malic ious and menacing through facial tattoos and angular features. In Pride and Prejudice, Wickham is represented as uneducated and uncivilised, writing that ‘†¦his studying the law was mere pretence, and now being free from all restraint, his life was a life of idleness and dissipation’ (pg. 195). This Neo-Classical ideal is represented on the board. By emphasising Nero’s unnecessary genocide of worlds, the audience is manipulated to believe that the character is simple minded and primitive. This reinforces the necessity of civility in modern society, demonising those who do not conform to these standards. Our society’s value of the Neo-Classicisms emphasis on ‘†¦emotions governed by personal restraint, decorum and discipline†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and the value of intellect and reason is highlighted through the correlation between Star Trek and If (Stanners, 2009). Towards the beginning of the film, a flashback of Spock’s childhood occurs. As he is neither human or Vulcan, Spock is bullied and lashes out at his fellow classmates. This allows the audience to understand the strict class structure which the Vulcans and our society have and what happens to those who do not conform. Distraught by his loss of temper, Spock consults his father. He informs Spock that â€Å"†¦Logic offers a serenity human’s

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hills like white elephant - 5316 Words

Hills Like White Elephants: The Jilting of Jig Hashmi, Nilofer. The Hemingway Review, Volume 23, Number 1, Fall 2003, pp. 72-83 (Article) Published by University of Idaho Department of English DOI: 10.1353/hem.2004.0009 For additional information about this article Access Provided by Chulalongkorn University at 11/21/11 7:26AM GMT â€Å"hills like white elephants†: T h e j i lt i n g of j i g nilofer hashmi Georgia Southern University critics grappling with Ernest Hemingway’s hauntingly enigmatic â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† have failed to reach a consensus about the ending of the story.1 Almost all agree, however, that regardless of what actually†¦show more content†¦A third interpretation of the outcome, having the acceptance of many readers, is that the girl accedes to the man’s demands and both proceed to Madrid where the girl will have the abortion in order to stay on with the man. This interpretation is supported by Joseph DeFalco who refers to the girl’s â€Å"capitulation† (172), and also by Timothy O’Brien. The latter observes that by means of its ending (Jig’s agreeing to the abortion), â€Å"the story functions not only as a powerful critique of man’s sexual politics, but also as a complex portrayal of woman’s, not just Jig’s, ï ¬ nal compliance† (24). While Jig’s yielding to the man’s wishes is a highly plausible scenario in the light of the conversation and innuendos found in the narrative, a signiï ¬ cant question arises relating to what will follow if Jig undergoes the abortion in hopes of retaining the existing partnership. The question is: will the man choose to stay on with her afterwards? Or is he more likely to abandon her after the abortion has been performed? Strong reasons can be found to support the latter eventuality. While Jig may or may not have any option other than to continue to be the man’s companion, is he under any compulsion to be with her if he no longer wants her? The apparent answer to this question leads to the possibility of a fourth outcome to the story: the girl will, of necessity or of choice, accede to the man’s wishes, butShow MoreRelatedHills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway859 Words   |  4 PagesHills Like White Elephants, short story by Ernest Hemingway, p ublished in 1927 in the periodical transition and later that year in the collection Men Without Women. The themes of this sparsely written vignette about an American couple waiting for a train in Spain are almost entirely implicit. The story is largely devoid of plot and is notable for its use of irony, symbolism, and repetition. (Encyclopedia Britannica). The Short Story brings the read into a discussion, between a man and a girl. TheyRead MoreHills Like White Elephants1354 Words   |  5 PagesSymbolism in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"The Hills Like White Elephants† is a short story published in 1927 about an American man and a woman named Jig. The setting of this story takes place at a train station located in Spain surrounded by hills, trees, and fields. Other devices used by Hemingway throughout this story include imagery, simile, excellent syntax, and a very tense and emotional tone. In the beginning of the story, the American and Jig sit outside of the trainRead MoreHills Like White Elephants911 Words   |  4 Pages Every day people make decisions that affect their future lives. What makes a right decision? What may be right to some may be wrong to others. Right and wrong decisions are objective and vary among each individual. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† by Ernest Hemingway, portrays the idea of decision making between two characters in a valley in Spain as they wait for a train to arrive. Jig, the protagonist, attempts to make a crucial change in her life by making the right decision, although her flawsRead MoreHills Like White Elephants996 Words   |  4 PagesErnest Hemingway’s short story â€Å"Hills like White Elephants† discusses the decision one girl must make and the consequences which accompany her choice. A â€Å"white elephant† is a valuable possession which its owner cannot dispose of but whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) exceeds its usefulness. The â€Å"white elephant† in Hemingway’s story is the unnamed situation and the choice which Jig, the protagonist, must make. This drama takes place in Spain in the 1920’s, during which time the majority ofRead MoreThe Hills Like White Elephants1143 Words   |  5 PagesAfter reading â€Å"The Hills like White Elephants,† I discovered that there are a lot of interpretations that could be made to accompany this story. The story takes place at a bar across from a Spanish railroad crossing. The story states that there is no shade or trees, and that the hills are white. The story does not provide a plethora of information on the characters, it rather just jumps right into the story, leaving a lot to the imagination on how they got there. I do believe that this is done onRead MoreHills Like White Elephants1015 Words   |  5 PagesHills Like White Elephants, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a story that takes place in Spain while a man and woman wait for a train. The story is set up as a dialogue between the two, in which the man is trying to convince the woman to do something she is hesitant in doing. Through out the story, Hemingway uses metaphors to express the characters opinions and feelings. Hills Like White Elephants displays the differences in the way a man and a woman view pregnancy and abortion. The woman looksRead MoreHills Like White Elephants838 Words   |  4 PagesHills Like White Elephants Ernest Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants presents a fictional example of the modern day prevalence of miscommunication among others, namely men and women. Depicted through the couple and the present issue at hand, Hemingway strives to allude to the unfortunate truth that despite constant speaking among beings, genuine communication continues to fall short and is nearly nonexistent. Existing is the lack of productivity when the true feelings of both parties are notRead MoreHills Like White Elephants1715 Words   |  7 PagesHills Like White Elephants shows a seemingly simple discussion between Jig and an American man about the possibility of an operation. Yet, when the story is dissected it becomes apparent that they are discussing the possibility of an abortion. Nothing in the short story is mentioned or said without signaling a greater or different meaning. Hemingway used the surroundings of the train station to impact the story and designed the characters to properly show two varying personalities. Even though thisRead MoreHills Like White Elephants1266 Words   |  6 Pagesanalysis, I shall attempt to examine some aspects of the core issue of abortion through a short story, and observe the climax, tension, and heart felt emotions people endure because of their differently held cultural views. The short story â€Å"Hills like White Elephants† was written by Ernest Hemingway in 1927. He brought the characters to life with his vivid imagery and strong dialogue. The short story is about a young couple in the country of Spain, awaiting the arrival of a commuter train outside a restaurantRead MoreHills Like White Elephants Lessons968 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† by Ernest Hemingway is a short story every student studying English Composition should read. The narrative explores the difficult topic of abortion which college students should read about. Not only did the story explore the couples dynamic it also d elved into the feelings each partner had about the pregnancy. In â€Å"On Reading Fiction†, the author explains that readers enjoy fiction for three reasons, because it is an escape from reality, a possible answer to problems

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Professional and Ethical issues in IT Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Professional and Ethical issues in IT. Answer: Introduction The Professional issues in Information Technology is the unit which deals with social, legal, financial, industrial and ethical issues faced by ICT Professionals. The ICT professionals are Information and Communication Technology professionals who regularly deal with the professional issues associated with IT systems in an Organization (Ruivo, Santos and Oliveira 2014). The report shows reflective journal assessment which provides learning outcomes for this unit through ICT professionals analysis. The purpose of this report is to provide reflection for what I have learned from the unit of Professional issues in Information Technology. The report focuses on change of perspectives of interpersonal issues and IT-related issues in terms of ICT professionals. The outline of this report is to answer the question related to interpersonal issues and analysis of IT-related issues of Professional issues in Information Technology degree. The report includes question from Part A and analysis of Part B. The goal for adopting for Professional issues in Information Technology degree was due to growing career prospective of ICT professionals in current scenario. I was interested in Information Technology career from early days due to fascination towards computer world. Information Technology is the base for any Organization and it is growing rapidly due to its potential. Nowadays every organization wants employees that have required knowledge for Information Technology and especially in the area of professional and ethical issues. The consideration for choosing Professional Issues in Information Technology helped me to explore and get deep understanding and knowledge on Information Technology. This consideration will help me in my future career as an ICT professional in an organization (Al-Saggaf, Burmeister and Schwartz 2017). My enrollment into Professional issues in Information Technology degree visualizes my goals and motivation due to interest in Information Technology. The Inform ation Technology has various courses which focus on different areas. However Professional Issues in Information Technology is one course which helps to understand issues in Information Technology. My goal was to go in the field which requires more realistic and creativity in the field of Information Technology. This creativity can be achieved only through Professional Issues in Information Technology degree. Therefore, Professional Issues in Information Technology degree perfectly fit into my overall goal of becoming an ICT professional. The choice for opting Professional Issues in Information Technology degree was the right decision for me. The degree helped me to get deep understanding and knowledge of issues that exist in Information Systems. The unit also helped me to focus on unknown future risks that can happen in Information System. These understanding and knowledge proved my decision right and helped me to apply this knowledge in my future (Avgerou and Walsham 2017). This de gree helped me to change my plans and aspiration in a better and improved way. This degree helped me to get an understanding and knowledge on ethics of Information Technology that ICT professionals should follow. I got to learn and develop technical aspects and interpersonal skill to be applied in real world. The kinds of behaviors that might be important for an ICT professional to show while working in a group or team are given this section. The group or team includes people from different backgrounds consisting of different genders, castes, skills and religion. The positive behavior in workplace contributes to better and improved working environment where all participate equally. The important behavior that an ICT professional should have is maintaining equal opportunity for all genders (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The other important behavior is diverse working skills to deliver while working in a team or group. The ICT professional must possess skills such as project management, problem solving, solution for technical aspects and managing business environment internally and externally. Apart from these behaviors, the most important behavior that an ICT professional should have is trust while working in the team or group. The trust is an important part in any working environment to encour age and motivate people to work in a better way. The behaviors that an ICT professional should show must be adhered to ethical standards which are the first and foremost duty of an ICT professional. ICT professionals need should exhibit these behaviors to encourage and motivate their group or team to work efficiently and equally. My contribution to a sound team performance shows technical aspect along with behavioral aspects. The first contribution is making contribution of new ideas to the team. The second contribution is to listen and understand the view of team members and respecting their views and opinions (Sargolzaei and Nikbakht 2017). The third contribution is to offer and accept criticism for developing cohesive group work performance and behavior. The fourth contribution is interaction and coordination among the team members for better performance. The fifth contribution is avoiding any discrimination in the workplace. The contributions that I made should have been better for teams performance if I have known the culture and behaviors of team members (Schwalbe 2015). I can have helped the team members to be comfortable and friendly with each other and with the environment. The most memorable moments of Professional Issues in Technology degree was dealing with real world problems that have occurred. I have always been fascinated towards computer world and its happenings. I always wondered what Information Technology professionals do in an organization and how they organize their findings. This degree helped me to achieve that. The real world problems and issues such as Equifax data breach and Ransomware cyber attack were also included in the learning part (Miloslavskaya and Tolstoy 2016). The dealing with these real world problems and issues were the most memorable moments as it helped me to indulge in the real scenario. I used my own interpersonal skills, understanding and knowledge to solve the issues of real world problems. This is where I enjoyed most and developed some new level of understanding. The other most memorable moments was that when I was told that I have to visualize that I am an ICT professional. This situation helped me to use my under standing and thoughts to handle the issue and propose innovations for the issue (Sampson and Makela 2014). This situation helped me to have confidence of what innovations I propose for the issues. This moment also helped me to gain effective communication as a professional such as an effective leader or a team member. These were the moments which were most memorable and it does impact me in a better way to improve my skills and knowledge. This understanding will help me to grow in future within an organization. The key professional roles and responsibilities for a modern ICT professional are described as follows. The roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals vary in different organizations as the roles of ICT professionals vary from senior positions to an employee position (Kerckaert, Vanderlinde and van Braak 2015). However the key professional roles that an ICT professional has are team leader, project manager, technical assistant and a team member. Apart from these major roles, other roles are business partners, information technology advisors and information technology facilitators (Leendertz et al. 2015). The role of ICT professionals as team leader is to deliver skills to team members and help them to manage the team in a better way. The role of ICT professional as project manager is to acknowledge the project and manage the project. The role of ICT professional as technical assistant is to manage the networking part and its issues. The role of ICT professional as a team member is to deliver task. The roles of ICT professional as business partners, advisors and facilitators functions internally and externally for an organization. The key professional responsibilities of ICT professional are as follows. The first responsibility is development and designing of application and software for security purposes. The second responsibility is management of information technology systems to ensure safety and security. The third responsibility is evaluation, operation and upgrade of information technology systems in an organization. The fourth responsibility is adherence to ethical standards in managing the issues of information technology (Nederhand and Van Meerkerk 2017). These roles and responsibilities will help me in my career growth in future in an organization. The roles and responsibilities such as technical aspects, teamwork and management skills and ability to solve problems will help me to have secured and active job within an organization. This will also help me to work efficiently and effectively in a group or team in an organization. The first topic which is analyzed is Information Security which helps me to evaluate my working as a professional in future. The topic deals with detailed understanding of information security in an organization and an example where information security comes into play (Peltier 2016). This topic helps me to get an analysis of what I can do in risky situations in an organization. I get an overview of what I can do as an IT professional in an organization and how to handle a team. This topic helped me to grow as a professional and look at the situations in a more responsible way. I also get an understanding of what I can do when anything goes wrong in an organization through the example given in this topic. I thought that information security is a small area where limited knowledge can work. However, this topic changed my thoughts as information security needs active participation and environmental knowledge and understanding (Safa, Von Solms and Furnell 2016). The information security a professional does not have to look any issues from single perspective but they have to look from different perspectives. The information security topic also helps to get understanding and knowledge of how to analyze a risk and mitigate the risks. The topic has impacted me positively by helping me to get deep understanding of what can be done in difficult situations in an organization. This topic will help me in my future career growth as an information security professional. The second topic which is analyzed is Ethics which helps to get an understanding of ethics related with Professional Issues in Information Technology (Tse et al. 2015). This topic helps me to understand the ethics which are associated with Information Technology and how it is perceived by ICT professionals. This topic has impacted me in a positive way as it helps me to analyze and evaluate the security issues with adherence to ethics of information technology. The detailed description of ethics has helped me to approach any issue in a professional way. The ethics in Professional Issues in Information Technology degree helps me to get analysis of different types of ethical issues, privacy and integrity associated (Lloyd 2017). I can now understand how to analyze and solve any issues of information technology in an organization. The different types of ethics and privacy help me to know what role ethics and privacy play in information technology in businesses. The topic will help me to apply this ethics in the organization where I will be employed and through this I can upgrade myself. I can now understand that knowledge of ethics is going to be a major turnout for me in future scenarios. Ethics is not a small topic to be understood through learning rather it is a more practical thing which needs basic environmental understanding (Halinen and Jokela 2016). Therefore, ethics in Professional Issues in IT has impacted me the most and in a positive way to become a better and improved professional in future. The third topic which is analyzed is Triple threat leadership and charting ones career that does not impact me completely in a professional way. This topic has helped me get an overview of project planning, leadership and career planning. This topic does not help me to get deep understanding of what actually a project does and triple threat leadership understanding in businesses. The topic does not illustrate how project works and how triple threat leadership contributes in business performance (Lundin et al. 2017). However, I did get some understanding of project, triple threat leadership and career planning which can help me in my professional career. This topic does impact me in a way that I can now understand how to plan my career with appropriate action for achieving the required goal. I can use this understanding to start my career initially and boost my confidence in my professional career. The topic gave me most important learning and that is competencies required in an organ ization to be able to retain in the business environment. The competencies will help me in my future by giving me enough knowledge to how adjust and grow professionally in a challenging business environment. This learning will help me to grow professionally in an organization. The career planning is necessary to fit in an organization as it helps to focus on professional career (Rothwell et al. 2015). Therefore, this topic impacts me by helping to start my career initially however it lacks detailed illustration which is important to grow in future. The fourth topic which is analyzed is Professionalism in ICT which helps to get an understanding of how to become an ICT professional. The exact working and operation of ICT professional in this topic also helps me to learn how to become a good ICT professional. This topic impacts me in a most influential way as it helps me to understand what I have to do to become an ICT professional. I thought that ICT professionals require only information technology understanding and knowledge. However, this topic changed my thoughts. Now, I can understand that an ICT professional has to do a lot of research on issues (Al-Saggaf, Burmeister and Schwartz 2017). They have to do analysis from different point of views and use their own interpersonal skills and behaviors to understand the issues. This topic helps me to understand that ethics is an important part of an ICT professional and this is where they need major focus. The topic helps me to understand that becoming an ICT professional is not eas y they require multiple skills. These multiple skills range from interpersonal skills to professional skills. I am now able to understand that professionalism in ICT requires work culture behavior, interpersonal behavior and knowledge of code of ethics (MacKrell et al. 2016). This will help me to grow in future professionally. The ICT professional requires being active and can understand the issues personally. Therefore, this topic on professionalism in ICT helps me to be a better ICT professional in business work environment. Conclusion The above Part A and Part B show that the degree of Professional issues in Information Technology helps to develop interpersonal and IT-related issues. The reflective journal shows that every individual has its own opinion and own way of understanding which they take away. The discussions show that interpersonal skills show the overall take away from Professional issues in Information Technology degree. However, IT-related issues show the take away from the particular topic of the degree. 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